Fear not,
for behold,
I bring you good news
of great joy that will
be for all the people.

When the shepherds heard this, they knew their savior had come, and they hurried to see him. They had heard the words of Isaiah: Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace whose peace will have no end. They understood the meaning of this good news because they had the whole story.




At Christmas, we celebrate the whole story—From Creation to Revelation, God calls us to draw from the deep wells of living water and find new identity and purpose in His Word. But what if you never had a single verse of the Old Testament in a language that speaks to your heart?

90% of the world’s languages don’t have the whole Bible. That means no Psalms, Isaiah, or even Creation. 99 million people don’t even have a single word of Scripture in their language.

We believe that all of the stories of the Old Testament are fundamental to discipling nations and that God will use us as catalysts and instruments in accelerating full Bible access from Scripture’s source languages to every language for all people. That’s a big task—the whole Word for the whole world! But in our current world, never has there been a greater need for God’s whole story.

This Christmas,
will you help
share the whole story
with those who
have never heard?

A new generation of full Bible translators and consultants are giving their lives to bring God’s whole story to those who don’t have it yet, and they will impact generations because of their steps of obedience. These are translators from all over the world who are training in the language and land of the Bible so that they can translate into languages that have never had the whole Word. They believe in the power of God’s whole story to transform their communities.

On average, each of our graduates will facilitate translation in 3 to 15 languages over their lifetime, bringing the Bible to multiple communities for the first time. Thus far, 244 students will bring access to 350 million people. That equals an average of 1.4 million persons per student in the first generation alone!

Together with them, we can share the whole story with millions who have no access to God’s life-giving Word.

Share the Whole Story of Christmas through full Bible translation

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ת.ד. 23027
ריצ'מונד, וירג'יניה, 23223

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תורמים מבריטניה
מניות וקרנות נאמנות

ניתן לעבד מתנות של מניות או קרנות נאמנות דרך הקרן הלאומית הנוצרית.

גיליון הוראות מניות וקרנות נאמנות

תרומה זו נעשית מתוך הבנה שלמכון Whole Word יש שליטה וניהול מלאים על השימוש בכספים שנתרמו.

אם מכון Whole Word לא יכול לכבד את העדפתך, המתנה שלך תשמש במקומות הדרושים ביותר.