For the Next Generations

יול 11, 2024 | Updates, Latest News

Our student translators just graduated from the School of Biblical Hebrew, commissioning them to work on translations straight from the biblical text for languages that don’t have the whole Bible. Like the disciples, they are taking the Word from Jerusalem to the nations.

This year, our graduates represent 15 different nations and 13 language translation projects, with the potential to give access to the Scriptures to more than 5 million people in these languages. They are about to influence multitudes of people and many generations. Do not let this escape from your eyes. Every revolution always starts with a few faithful people and then it spreads. The ripple effect of the Word of God will continue so much longer after our lives.

For example, how many of us have all of the books of Scripture in our language? Maybe we take this for granted. But we must think about all the generations of countless people who worked through challenges so that we can have this privilege. They sacrificed their lives in different ways, some of them even unto death. Maybe we don’t even know all their names. But we owe a huge debt to all these people.

And now in our day, the graduation ceremony celebrated this year’s students and blessed them in their continued journey. We want to share with you a few of their moving testimonies that they shared in fluent Hebrew, translated here into English.

“A beautiful new way”

Dan from France shares in Israeli Sign Language:

9 years ago, I was not a believer in the Lord, and I didn’t follow His ways. […] I climbed up a tree, intending to kill myself. I saw no point in continuing my life. But God poured out His Holy Spirit on me, and I felt His love. […] I started serving Him. I served in congregations and churches for 8 years. Then, one day, I saw a vision. In this vision, God told me, “You are going to study and teach other students in a land far from your own.” When I came to Israel, I understood. […] Despite many struggles and problems along the way, God always gave us grace. Now I can sign in Israeli Sign Language! I can speak Hebrew and read Hebrew. Hebrew has become a part of my life. And now I want to say thank you to my Father, for giving me a beautiful new way. Thank you, Father. (He signs “I love you.”)

“By the grace of God”

Alik from Micronesia gives an address in fluent Hebrew:

Our year began without electricity and a month later, war broke out. And then we flew to Greece. […] Then we came back in December. In addition, throughout the year some of us lost some loved ones in our families. But by the grace of God…

We are here, not only just for us but for the people who are in our lives that He wants to reveal: who our God is. […] This is greater than me or than you. This work is not only for our generation, but it is also for the next generation and generations to come after us. 

This is only the first part of the journey for these graduates. As it says in Psalm 2:8, “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” What does it mean to inherit the nations? It is like a parent—to become a servant. A parent must sacrifice their life for their children. Translating the Bible is not easy, but as these students continue to serve, they must live with a vision. Each parent lives with a vision for their children. Love, together with this vision, requires us to go forward. No matter what the sacrifice is. 

God is inviting us to ask of Him more than we can imagine and to be willing to see what He enables. Thank you to all of you who have given so generously and paved the way through prayer for this cohort to successfully journey through this launch into their continued calling of service.

With celebration!

David Swarr PhD
President & CEO

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