Your faithful partnership, prayers, and support are accelerating access to the full Bible for people of all languages. Together, we are seeing the whole WORD made available to the whole WORLD.

"Я просто хочу еще раз поблагодарить Вас за шанс, который Вы дали мне изучать иврит в Иерусалиме. Эти занятия до сих пор приносят мне пользу каждый день моей работы. В феврале меня утвердили в качестве консультанта по переводу. Сейчас я только что закончил свою первую сессию проверки без наставника. В сентябре я буду помогать преподавать на семинаре по переводу Псалтири, а затем буду проверять книгу Псалтири для двух проектов. Время, проведенное в Whole Word Institute, дало мне хорошую основу для того, чтобы глубже погрузиться в сокровища иврита".

-Pnina (פנינה), Netherlands

Translator & Consultant





Deaf Translators

…enrolled in the Hebrew Extension Program In the Indonesia cohort alone, translators are preparing to translate the Old Testament into 38 languages.

Before the pandemic, we had begun the planning and preparation for extension and online learning. We knew that in order to reach many of the people who are still without the whole Bible we had to broaden the reach of our programs. But we didn’t perceive what God knew! He knew this program would not only be needed but be absolutely necessary to advance the whole Word of God to the nations and languages that need it most.

По Его милости мы готовы выполнить стоящую перед нами задачу - дать возможность понять Божью историю на всех языках. Это требует огромного партнерства по всему миру с донорами, переводческими агентствами, церковными сетями, учителями, разработчиками учебных программ, композиторами, дизайнерами, техническими специалистами и особенно переводчиками.

Looking Ahead

In January 2022, an additional 20 translators will come to Jerusalem for the accelerated residential program. They represent 13 translation agencies and 14 nations. Four of these students are Deaf.

As a result of the ongoing challenges and travel restrictions with the Covid pandemic, we have postponed the opening of the Jerusalem-based residential program to January 2022. Students who registered for the 2021-22 School of Biblical Hebrew will now start their first course online Oct 3-Dec 10, 2021. The residential program in Jerusalem will follow the first week of January 2022. 


Sign Language Translation Consulting

The current global need for sign language Bible translation is profound. The August 2020 Progress.Bible report reveals only 35 Sign Languages currently with portions of Scripture.

Of the 400 sign languages in the world, only 1 has a full Bible.

Vitalii is a Deaf student learning Hebrew through the Hebrew Extension Program. His desire is to translate and teach the Old Testament in Ukrainian Sign Language. 

He shared that his studies with Whole Word Institute have greatly benefited the Ukrainian Sign Language translation project, as the team has applied the principles and processes learned from the consulting course, which has improved the quality of the translation work.

Many people in the former USSR have a low view of Deaf people and naturally think that it would be better if this project was run by those who can hear. Vitalii has explained that having Deaf translators lead the project results in greater ownership and receptivity within the Deaf community when they receive the completed SL Bible. The Whole Word Institute name, vision, and global Bible translation partners give Vitalii greater standing as a leader and greater authority to the translation work being done.


One of the Deaf students of the Sign Language Track of the Master’s program texting with one of the hearing students. This has been a wonderful opportunity for Deaf and hearing translators to interact, get to know each other, and encourage one another.

“‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ (John 1:14 ESV)

I often think of this verse in relation to sign language. In printed translations, the Word is abstract in some sense. In contrast, sign language translation requires a physical person to sign the translation. For me, this is reminiscent of the Word becoming flesh.”

Adam Van Goor

Director, Center for Deaf Scriptures


We are so aware that the need for the good news of God’s Word is ever increasing and we desire your prayers and support.

Пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нам в молитве за...


personnel and financial provision for the ongoing development of distance learning resources and online tools


remaining student visas to be approved by the Israel Ministry of Interior, particularly those from Indonesia


funding for scholarships for translators in high priority and least-reached areas of the world

Please pray with us for more laborers to join the team as together we advance toward the goal of все Слово для всего мира.

September marks the beginning of a season of repentance, renewal, and rejoicing. Join us as we reflect on the biblical feasts given in Leviticus 23, ways that God shows His provision, invites us to actively draw closer in relationship to Him, and receive a deeper understanding of His character and His Word.

Рош Хашана

Yom Kippur


Simchat Torah

“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind. Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy.” -Psalm 107:21-22