Of the 7,000+ languages of the world

ऊपर 6,000 do not have a full Bible

45% do not have a written form
Training & Tools for Oral Bible Translation & Engagement
“Rina” is a translation consultant-in-training who completed the immersive School of Biblical Hebrew and MA in Classical Hebrew & Translation Consulting in Jerusalem. She is involved with the End Bible Poverty Now initiative because of her experiences as a Bible training leader in Australia, Germany and Papua New Guinea. It was in PNG that she first realized the need for Bible translation and audiovisual Bibles as the community there does not read and has no Scripture in their heart language.
Study at the Center for Oral Scriptures
The goal of the Center for Oral Scriptures is to mobilize and equip a generation of translators and practitioners committed to enabling high orality-reliant people groups to gain access to and to engage with the whole Word of God.
In the Original Testament, God provides a roadmap for discipling an oral nation and demonstrates a plethora of oral methodologies. Benefitting from the tremendous resources of the language, land, and culture/historical context of the Bible, the Center for Oral Scriptures serves as a vital Kingdom multiplier among high orality reliant learners by:
- Providing educational programs of translators and orality practitioners to enable Bible access and engagement among high orality reliant communities
- Developing materials and tools to aid oral Bible translation, storytelling, and Scripture engagement
- Identifying missing links, and creating innovative solutions to enable high orality reliant communities to access and engage with the whole Word
Training Formats
- Accredited courses and internships, as part of the various degree offerings of the Institute of Biblical Languages and Translation, to train the next generation of Bible translators, existing Bible translators and Bible translation consultants in training
- Short courses, workshops and seminars in Oral Bible Translation and Scripture engagement offered around the globe together with our partners
COS produces and publishes media resources to assist oral Bible translation and engagement; and offers consultation on oral Bible translation and engagement to translation teams. Current resources include:
- Master Storyteller (Digital Access and Film Package – master-storyteller.net)
- Oral Translation Brief
- Short Videos
- Visual Art
- Key Biblical Concepts for Oral Bible Translation
- Bible Translation Media Toolbox
Through its publishing arm, Orality Resources International, the Center for Oral Scriptures produces and publishes resources to fuel Scripture translation, Bible storytelling and engagement among high orality reliant learners.
COS offers the following accredited courses in the field of Orality to students in the two MA programs of the Institute of Biblical Languages & Translation.
MA Classical (Biblical) Hebrew electives
Prerequisite Course: Performing Scripture
Course 1: Biblical Foundations of Orality
Course 2: मौखिक बाइबिल अनुवाद
MA Classical (Biblical) Hebrew and Translation Consulting
Core MA Courses
Prerequisite Course: Performing Scripture
Course 1: Biblical Foundations of Orality
Course 2: मौखिक बाइबिल अनुवाद
Specialization in OBT and Consulting
Course 3: Advanced Oral Bible Translation
Course 4: Ethnomusicology and Art
Course 5: Media Production
Internship: Oral Bible Translation Internship
COS offers the following short courses in the field of Orality in partnership with other agencies around the world:
- Introduction of Orality
- Oral Bible Discovery
Beryl performs the Creation story in Hebrew
“May I have the needed passion, strength, and support to pursue orality in all its fullness and advantages as a servant of God for my people group and for the people group to which the organization I belong is serving. Thank you for being an instrument in opening the eyes of my mind.”
– Margie רבקה, Philippines