Jerusalem Update

מרץ 30, 2020 | Press Releases, Latest News



Dear friends of the Whole Word Institute-Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation,

During the life-changing events of the past weeks our team has taken time to wait upon the Lord and hear what He is saying to us. Even before Israel began taking the radical steps now in full effect, three passages were independently impressed upon various team members: Psalm 91, Isaiah 41:10 and 2 Chronicles 20. 

Psalm 91 reminded us of our position in the Lord. We meditated on how we are in the shelter of The Most High. He offers Himself as our refuge and fortress. His protection is not only a hiding place, but a place of intimacy where He draws us close under His sheltering wings. This reminds me of my experience here as a small child living through the 6 Day War, hiding in the bomb shelter away from the “arrow that flies by day”.  While the air raid sirens wailed I found comfort in my parents’ arms, a place of peace away from the “terror of the night”.

“Do not fear for I AM with you”. Isaiah 41:10 puts the focus fully on who it is that is with us. The Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe is present and our shelter. The verse goes on to declare the promise that the One who is with us will strengthen, help, and support us.

Today, as Israel has gone into lockdown— closing its borders, shutting all non-essential operations and restricting citizens to their homes, our school is facing some big challenges. The students and staff alike are restricted to their residences. This means that now classes are conducted online, extra safety measures are being implemented, and emergency provisions put in place.

We are all dedicated to maintaining a posture of faith and worship as we respond to these difficulties. In 2 Chronicles 20 when King Jehoshaphat and the people heard the promise of the Lord, they responded with worship and praise even in the face of imminent battle against overwhelming odds.

Wherever you may be, our prayer is that the Lord will shelter you under His wings. Thank you for standing with us in prayer for all the students and staff of Whole Word Institute – Whole Word Institute.

Shalom Aleichem (Peace be with you),

David Swarr PhD 

Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation
A program of Whole Word Institute
The Whole Word for the Whole World


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