2023 Annual Report: Going Beyond

मार्च 13, 2024 | Press Releases, Updates, Latest News

We are excited to share our annual report, Going Beyond. This report highlights how God is leading us to “go beyond’ in service of the vital need for full Bible translation from biblical source language to heart languages.

Watch the 3-minute video that shows some amazing strides, answered prayer, and partnerships that took place in 2023 and continue.

Click below to view video and report. Be sure to watch on full screen with volume up!

“As a new wave of church-based translation initiatives is sweeping the nations, indigenous leaders are yearning to translate the whole Bible from the original biblical languages so that they can translate directly into their own…The Bible translation movement seeks to serve and empower the Church in oral, Deaf, and minority languages, and training oral and Deaf translators in the original languages can both accelerate and improve translation… This report spotlights ways that Whole Word Institute is going beyond in service to these often marginalized communities through cutting-edge programs and tools that serve an ever-growing number of oral and Deaf translators, consultants, and trainers.” –David Swarr, President & CEO   

Thank you for sharing the Word,

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