U.K. Board

Samuel Chiang

Board Chair

Dr. Greg Anderson

Graduate School Chaplain,
Wheaton Colleg, Illinois

Dr. Aaron Hornkohl

Language Teaching Officer & Senior
Reseach Associate, University of Cambridge

Ram Gidoomal CBE

CottonConnect Ltd

U.S. Board

Ram Gidoomal CBE

Chairman, CottonConnect Ltd

Lori A. Miller

Board Secretary-Treasurer

Revd Canon Chua Siang Guan

Vicar, St James Church, Singapore

David Hamilton

Vice President for Strategic Innovation,
University of the Nations

International Advisory Council

Dr. Todd M. Johnson

Francis McGowen

Jessica Tanoesoedibjo

Dr. John Chesnut

Senior Leadership

Gerhard Marx

David Swarr PhD

Shaul Montgomery MBA

Jane Pleace

Ricki Gidoomal MA

Dan Doherty

Randall Buth PhD

Daniel Araujo CPA

Sharona Alley, MA

Timothy King MA

Sharon Swarr MBA

Niek Arentsen PhD

Jonathan Ebsworth