Share the Whole Story of Easter

מרץ 25, 2024 | Latest News

As we approach the traditions of Good Friday and Easter, how do we understand their world-changing events and the big story they tell?

Jesus himself explained what was happening through the events of the Passover – during the Passover meal, he took highly symbolic wine (the Cup of Redemption) and bread (the piece of matzah that is broken and shared) and gave them a deeper meaning in the story of his imminent sacrifice and resurrection.

From the book of Exodus, we understand that God brought His people out of slavery and into a new life with him – and that they escaped judgment by being covered by the blood of a lamb. And this story gives significance to our spiritual story of being brought out of slavery from sin and Jesus as the Lamb of God.

The Old Testament also gives a strong foundation to the role of Jesus as Great High Priest, who has the authority to enter the inner sanctuary, tearing the curtain between God and humankind, and sacrificing for our sins once and for all. 

There are a billion people today who can’t access the Old Testament Scriptures that would give them all this background knowledge. They don’t have the context, traditions or stories that point toward the Resurrection.

This is why it is urgent to train translators who can translate from the original text directly into the languages of their communities. Our translators learn Hebrew in the Land of the Bible so they fully experience its culture, traditions and words. 

If you want to help share the whole story of Easter around the world, you can give here to train more translators.

Give: Share the Whole Easter Story

Happy Resurrection Day!

#tellthewholestory #thewholewordforthewholeworld #learnfromthesource #wholewordinstitute