Translating in a Time of War

אפר 22, 2024 | Latest News

Mele is from Tonga where she’s part of a translation team working on the Tonga Old Testament. She came to Jerusalem to become a consultant who can oversee multiple translation projects from biblical Hebrew straight into local languages. She specializes in both Deaf and oral Bible translation to accelerate full Bible translation for those communities in Tonga who do not have the whole Word in a language that speaks to their hearts. Mele says, “Now I don’t just have hope, but a new gift— to help with translation for sign languages in Tonga and the South Pacific.”

Mele shares about the Scriptures coming to life in the Land of the Bible, and how important its language & context are to full Bible translation.


Despite further conflict in the land, the student translators in Jerusalem look forward this week to Passover, the 8-day biblical holiday that recalls God’s redemption of His people from slavery out of Egypt. At Passover, Yeshua (Jesus) used the symbols of the Passover meal to help the disciples understand His role as the sacrificial lamb and His deliverance for every tribe and nation. 

Through the stories, psalms and prophets of the Old Testament God calls us to remember His mercy, to worship Him as the One True God, and to walk with Him in the everlasting life found through His Living Word, Jesus.  

Please pray for our students and staff in Jerusalem, for peace that passes understanding in their minds and hearts, and for God’s shalom to come speedily to the region.

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