Annual Report 2021: Ask of Me

May 25, 2022 | Latest News

Shalom! We are excited to share with you our Annual Report 2021—Ask of Me: The Ripple Effect of the Word. This is a digital flipbook with a few videos, so we encourage you to view it on full screen.
You won’t want to miss some of these highlights:

  • A video on the need for Deaf Bible translation in Hebrew Sign Language by our Associate Director of the Center for Deaf Scriptures
  • A video testimony from Shlomo and Sarah, two Oral Bible Translation consultants on the field in Benin
  • Partners from the University of the Nations and Wycliffe Global Alliance share about multiplication happening through the new Hebrew Extension Learning Program (HELP)
  • A tribute to sacrificial service from the last two years, by our President, David Swarr, PhD

“A new generation of full Bible translators and consultants are giving their lives to bring God’s whole story to those who don’t have it yet, and they are about to affect generations because of their steps of obedience. From Creation to Revelation, God calls us to draw from the deep wells of living water, and find new identity and purpose in His Kingdom. From the shores of the Galilee to the ends of the earth, generation to generation…This is the ripple effect of the Word.”

What God has done in the midst of challenges has been more than we could ask or imagine. As we move into Resurrection week and Passover, we are increasingly reminded of His miracles and faithfulness. We are so grateful for your partnership as we work toward the goal of 2033—that every person, in their own language, will have access to God’s full story.

Your faithful service helps bring the whole Word to the whole world

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