Jan 28, 2025 | Updates, Latest News, Press Releases

THANK YOU! Your generosity and prayers have sustained us through this past tumultuous year. I am deeply grateful for your steadfast support, which has paved the way for translators to bring the whole Bible to their people.

I’m writing from our campus in Jerusalem, where a remarkable group of translators from 10 nations is being equipped in fluent Hebrew and experiencing the Scriptures come alive as they prepare to translate for their communities. These passionate individuals persevere through a time of war and uncertainty. They represent the next generation of specialists committed to bringing God’s Word to life in local languages for the global church. 

Translators in Jerusalem from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mozambique, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Africa, and South Korea

“Becoming Bible translation consultants is for us a calling but also a great hope for churches and agencies to respond to the urgent need for Bible translation,” translators Rachel and Yehezkil from Indonesia share. Their dream echoes that of Tessalonika, who said through tears, “On the small islands, people think nobody cares about them. For me to give my people the Bible in our own languages – that would be a dream come true.” If you missed her testimony, watch the video HERE.


Thank you for standing with us in prayer for:

  • Strength and safety for translators in Jerusalem. Many, like Rachel and Yehezkil, are preparing to oversee translation projects in multiple indigenous languages.
  • The Hebrew Extension Learning Program (HELP) staff and students in Benin, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Indonesia, as they equip local translators and church leaders to translate Scripture directly from biblical Hebrew into their own languages. This training also enables the creation of resources for discipleship and spiritual growth. In Indonesia alone, over 100 people are eager to study and join this vital work!
  • Encouragement and perseverance for those who have returned to their communities to work on new full Bible translations, and open hearts for those receiving the Scriptures in their language for the first time.

With you in His service,


David Swarr PhD
President & CEO

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