Bible translation
for the people,
by the people. 

Equip the world to translate the Word!

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”–Isaiah 60:1

God’s people around the world want to get on with translating the whole Bible into their local languages. But they can’t do it without Hebrew training. That’s why a shocking 90% of world languages still don’t have a translation of the Old Testament.

Without access to the words of the Old Testament prophets, they can’t even hear the whole story of salvation.

In 2025 we’ll provide Hebrew training at regional hubs, equipping local Christians in Africa and Indonesia to translate the Old Testament for their own people.

Using local tutors and online learning, it costs around $7,200 for a student to complete the first level of Hebrew training. 

In Indonesia, there are 100 people ready and waiting to study.

Your gift TODAY could change everything!

“In my country, most of the languages don’t have a Bible in their mother tongue. For me to give my people the Bible in our own languages – that would be a dream come true.”
–Tessalonika, Indonesia hub

    Thank you so much! We’ll use your donation where it will have the greatest impact – whether that’s funding students at the Indonesian hub
    or supporting vital training for Bible translators elsewhere.

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    Institut du mot entier
    Boîte postale 23027
    Richmond, VA, 23223

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