Останні новини

For a Time Such as This

Для такого часу, як цей

God is doing incredible things to bring about His purposes, even amid great obstacles. None of us could have predicted the challenges we would encounter over the last two years as we move forward in the work God has laid on our hearts—to make the whole Word of God accessible to the whole world by equipping men and women near and far for the service of full Bible translation.

Snow in Jerusalem

Сніг в Єрусалимі

God is doing incredible things to bring about His purposes, even amid great obstacles. None of us could have predicted the challenges we would encounter over the last two years as we move forward in the work God has laid on our hearts—to make the whole Word of God accessible to the whole world by equipping men and women near and far for the service of full Bible translation.

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Надія не розчаровує

God is doing incredible things to bring about His purposes, even amid great obstacles. None of us could have predicted the challenges we would encounter over the last two years as we move forward in the work God has laid on our hearts—to make the whole Word of God accessible to the whole world by equipping men and women near and far for the service of full Bible translation.

Job Opportunity: Senior Leader, Advancement & Executive Relations

Вакансія: Старший менеджер з розвитку та зв'язків з керівниками

Інститут Повного Слова - Інститут біблійних мов та перекладу - запрошує на роботу керівника вищої ланки для забезпечення стратегічного та тактичного керівництва нашою програмою підвищення кваліфікації. Заснований у 2015 році, Інститут Повного Слова - це співпраця між...

Multiplying Faithfulness

Примноження вірності

Multiplying Faithfulness  One person's steps of obedience impacts generations This powerful personal testimony is from one of our translation consultants in training:  Athanase is from Benin, a country with very few Christians. His heart for sharing God’s Word led him...

Rina Crochets a Parable

Рина в'яже притчу гачком

Rina Crochets a Parable Bringing the Word to life through a Bilum “Rina” is a translation consultant in training (CiT) who has been in Jerusalem the past year completing the immersive School of Biblical Hebrew and MA in Classical (Biblical) Hebrew & Translation...