Rina Crochets a Parable Bringing the Word to life through a Bilum “Rina” is a translation consultant in training (CiT) who has been in Jerusalem the past year completing the immersive School of Biblical Hebrew and MA in Classical (Biblical) Hebrew & Translation...
Суккот: Святкування приналежності
Sukkot Celebrating Belonging The festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is one of the greatest rituals God gave in the Original Testament. Sukkot celebrates the sense of shelter and belonging He provides for us, even as sojourners in this world–a home wherever He...
Рош га-Шана: Погляд у майбутнє назустріч новизні
Rosh Hashanah Looking Ahead to Newness Rosh Hashanah, "Head of the year," is a time of celebration, both looking back and looking ahead to newness. In the Original Testament, Rosh Hashanah is the “Feast of Trumpets” where the shofar, or ram’s horn, was blown...
Свідчення Чена: Надія на воскресіння
CHEN'S TESTIMONY: THE HOPE OF RESURRECTION “Chen” from South Korea is a Translator and Consultant in Training and was the student representative speaker at the School of Biblical Hebrew graduation. She and her husband will be translating the Old Testament for...
Випуск SBH 2020
SEEDS FOR MULTIPLICATION In Jerusalem at the end of June, 27 very special individuals from 12 nations and 4 continents graduated from the School of Biblical Hebrew. They had spent 9 months in the intensive program far from home and family with the singular focus of...
Святкуємо 5 років
Whole Word Institute FOUNDATION-INSTITUTE FOR BIBLICAL LANGUAGES & TRANSLATION'S 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Dr. David Swarr shares from his heart about Whole Word Institute–Whole Word Institute's five year anniversary. REJOICE Read the new annual report to see what God...
Не можеш подорожувати? Приєднуйтесь до занять віртуально в Єрусалимі! Онлайн-курс вже доступний
New in 2020! Now offering summer modules at the Institute for BIblical Languages & Translation.
Certificates in Translation Consulting & Oral Bible Translation now available. Apply now!
Підготовка доброго ґрунту
Dear friends of the Whole Word Institute-Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation, During the life-changing events of the past weeks our team has taken time to wait upon the Lord and hear what He is saying to us. Even before Israel began taking the radical steps now in full effect, three passages were independently impressed upon various team members: Psalm 91, Isaiah 41:10 and 2 Chronicles 20.
Єрусалимські новини
Dear friends of the Whole Word Institute-Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation, During the life-changing events of the past weeks our team has taken time to wait upon the Lord and hear what He is saying to us. Even before Israel began taking the radical steps now in full effect, three passages were independently impressed upon various team members: Psalm 91, Isaiah 41:10 and 2 Chronicles 20.