THANK YOU! Your generosity and prayers have sustained us through this past tumultuous year. I am deeply grateful for your steadfast support, which has paved the way for translators to bring the whole Bible to their...
Indonesian Newlyweds Rachel and Yehezkil moved up their wedding to follow God’s calling.
Translators Rachel and Yehezkil had planned their wedding for December, but when they learned about the opportunity to study with Whole Word Institute, they rushed to move the date and join the school as a couple in September.
Invitation to Intercede
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercyand find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:16 Thank you so much for praying with us for the ongoing safety of our...
Celebrating from Jerusalem to the Nations… Our student translators just graduated from the School of Biblical Hebrew, commissioning them to work on translations straight from the biblical text for languages that don’t have the whole Bible.
在 4 个国家启动帮助计划!
"看,我正在行一件新事!我将在旷野开辟道路,在沙漠开辟江河。"--以赛亚书 43:19 我们将与您分享来自世界各地的令人鼓舞的消息。
世界上有 400 多种手语,但只有一种手语(ASL)有整本圣经的译本。聋人群体是我们周围未得之民的群体。 聋人就不能读圣经吗? 学习...